The agenda for the 2014 Conference (Oxford, 9-10 September 2014) included an update on the UK ratification process, the Cape Town Convention and treaty compliance, the relation between Article 31 of EU Regulation 44/2001 and the Cape Town Convention, a detailed Analysis of the De-registration 
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On 9 September 2014 the Republic of San Marino’s instruments of accession to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and to the Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Aircraft Equipment were deposited with UNIDROIT. The 
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On 22 August 2014 the Russian Federation’s instrument of accession to the UNIDROIT Convention on International Factoring was deposited with the Government of Canada, Depositary of the Convention. The Russian Federation made no declarations. The Convention will enter into force for the Russian Federation on 
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• Introduction • Scope of the MAC protocol • Economic Benefits of the MAC Protocol • Background · Governing Council documents · Study Group · 2016 Symposium for UNIDROIT Member States · First Session of the Committee of Governmental Experts · Second Session of the 
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On Friday, 19 September, Professor Ugo Draetta of the Catholic University of Milan, will deliver the first of the Annual International Arbitration Lectures organised jointly by the University of Roma Tre and UNIDROIT. This year the lecture will be on “The transnational procedural rules for 
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On 25th June 2014, the Official Gazette of Romania published the Law no. 85/2014 on procedures concerning prevention of insolvency and insolvency (the “Insolvency Code”) which came into force on 28th June 2014. Among the various changes brought by this Law, some are relevant for close out 
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On 4 July 2014 the Kingdom of Bhutan’s instruments of accession to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and to the Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Aircraft Equipment were deposited with UNIDROIT. The Kingdom 
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On 19 June 2014, the Government of Angola deposited its instrument of accession to the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with declarations under Articles 16 and 17 of the Convention. The Convention will 
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On 12th June 2014 UNIDROIT received a delegation of experts from Indonesia to discuss the implementation of the 2001 Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and its Protocol on Matters specific to Aircraft Equipment. – Mr. Jasidi Hambali, SH.,LLM. (Member of Indonesian Air 
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A conference celebrating Twenty years of the UNIDROIT Principles on International Commercial Contracts was held in Rome, 9 – 10 May 2014. The speakers dealt with The role of the UNIDROIT Principles in international contract practice (K.P Berger, F. Bortolotti, H. van Houtte); The UNIDROIT Principles and 
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