Uruguay becomes a Party to the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects

UNIDROIT is pleased to announce that the Oriental Republic of Uruguay has officially become a new State Party to the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects. The Convention entered into force for Uruguay on 1st January 2025 and this significant step reinforces Uruguay’s commitment to protecting cultural heritage and combating the illicit trade of cultural property.

Uruguay’s accession aligns with the strong support across South America, where many countries have already joined the Convention. By becoming a State Party, Uruguay strengthens the international framework for the return and restitution of stolen cultural objects, promoting global collaboration in safeguarding humanity’s shared cultural heritage.


This milestone reflects Uruguay’s dedication to preserving cultural treasures for future generations and supports ongoing efforts in the fight against cultural property crimes worldwide.


UNIDROIT will continue to accompany Uruguay in the implementation of the 1995 Convention.

-> Further details about the Convention are available at page
-> The complete status of the Convention is available at page


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