On 21 November 2024, UNIDROIT partnered with the Turkish Association of Financial Institutions (FKB) and the International Law Institute (ILI) to deliver a stakeholder consultation event on the UNIDROIT Model Law on Factoring (MLF) in Istanbul, Türkiye. Attended by 50 stakeholders, including financing companies, legal professionals, government officials and academics, the event provided an opportunity for participants to learn more about the Model Law on Factoring, and discuss how its rules and concepts are being translated into Turkish. The event featured presentations by the FKB Deputy Secretary-General Filiz Ünal, ILI Director of Law Reform Programs Marek Dubovec, UNIDROIT Senior Legal Officer William Brydie-Watson and MLF Working Group expert observer Professor Orkun Akseli. The agenda from the stakeholder consultation event is available here.
Adopted in 2023, the MLF provides a complete, self-standing legal regime that facilitates factoring transactions. The instrument comprises of a set of black-letter law rules that is primarily aimed at States that have not yet fully implemented a modern, comprehensive secured transactions legal framework. The Turkish translation of the MLF will be published in early 2025. More information on the MLF is available on the UNIDROIT website: https://www.unidroit.org/instruments/factoring/model-law-on-factoring/