UNIDROIT supports a collective work project on Refounding Cultural Heritage Law in Sub-Saharan Africa – Call for contributions

UNIDROIT is joining forces with the UNESCO Regional Office in Dakar and the EPA – École du Patrimoine Africain to launch a call for contributions with a view to the publication of a collective reference work on ‘Refounding cultural heritage law in sub-Saharan Africa’.

This call is addressed to young researchers interested in cultural heritage law with a background in law or other related disciplines (political science, history, anthropology of law, philosophy or sociology of law, political geography) and whose research is related to the protection of cultural heritage and heritage law in Africa.

Preference will be given – but not limited – to applications from nationals of one of the fifteen West African States (#Bénin, #BurkinaFaso, #CaboVerde, #Côte d’Ivoire, #Gambia, #Ghana, #Guinea, #GuineaBissau, #Liberia, #Mali, #Niger, #Nigeria, #Sénégal, #SierraLeone, #Togo).

UNIDROIT welcomes contributions on the reception of international instruments in this field, in particular the 1995 UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects.

We look forward to your contributions!

Find out more Call for contribution_Refounding Cultural Heritage Law in subsaharian Africa

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