Luxembourg Rail Protocol – Second Revisions Committee to the PIRRS Model Rules and Workshops held at UN ECE headquarters in Geneva

From 2 to 4 September 2024, UNIDROIT participated in the second session of the Revisions Committee to the Model Rules on the Permanent identification of Railway Rolling Stock hosted by UN ECE in Geneva. The Model Rules were developed to enable the practical functioning of the unique identifier for rolling stock (URVIS) under the Luxembourg Rail Protocol. The first revision of the Model Rules was adopted in 2023 by the Working Party on Rail Transport of the UN Inland Transport Committee, and subsequently approved by the Supervisory Authority of the International Registry of Interests in Rolling Stock in relation to the Registry Regulations.

The Revisions Committee, currently chaired by the United Kingdom and attended by representatives of OTIF, the Rail Working Group, the International Registry of Interests in Rolling Stock, national governments, the European Union Agency for Railways, and industry representatives, approved proposals for modification of the Model Rules, with particular regard to the Transition Rules on the use of the running number to mark existing rolling stock items before transitioning to the unique URVIS identifier. The revisions will be submitted to the Working Party of the UN Inland Transport Committee for adoption and subsequently to the Supervisory Authority for approval.

In addition, UN ECE hosted two Workshops:

–       A Workshop on the role of PPPs in the financing of investment in railways, with contributions by the Rail Working Group, UN ECE, OTIF, ALLRAIL, and CIT (International Rail Transport Committee). The Workshop discussed the various forms of PPPs, their advantages and disadvantages, and how the Luxembourg Rail Protocol and the Model Rules can contribute to maximising the potential of PPP arrangements; and

–       A Workshop on integrating the URVIS identifier into digital solutions, with participation of technology experts, during which the role of technology in identifying and locating the assets was discussed. The Revisions Committee agreed to set up an informal expert group on this topic and adopted terms of reference for it.

For more information and documentation on the Model Rules and Revisions Committee, please see here.

For more information on the Luxembourg Rail Protocol, please see here.

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