Grand Opening of the 2024 International Programme for Law and Development

20 participants in the International Programme for Law and Development of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (IPLD – UNIDROIT), financed by the Directorate General for Development Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (DGCS/MAECI), welcomed in Rome.

Rome, 17 June 2024the UNIDROIT  International Programme for Law and Development began in Rome at the historic headquarters of Villa Aldobrandini. The initiative brings together 20 judges, public prosecutors and senior legislative drafters from 17 African countries. Supported by the General Directorate for Development Cooperation of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (DGCS/MAECI), the programme aims to raise awareness on the UNIDROIT legal instruments and activities of unification of international private and commercial law, which encourage knowledge sharing between different legal cultures and promote an exchange that is able to strengthen peaceful relations between States and communities.

After an online phase which took place from 6 to 15 June, the programme will continue in person until 5 July, with workshops seminars and practical sessions by experts in the field of private international law. The inaugural meeting was attended by numerous diplomatic missions in Rome, not only from the 65 UNIDROIT member states, including ambassadors of several African countries, as well as representatives of international organisations.

Maria Chiara Malaguti, President of UNIDROIT, welcomed the participants by declaring: “This year also promises to be an excellent programme, given the very high quality of the participants and the roles they hold in their countries. I am confident they will also be able to establish strong ties, so as to reinforce the existing network of experts from the different countries of the African continent and spread the use and awareness of our organisation’s legal unification tools”.

Ignacio Tirado, Secretary General of UNIDROIT, underlined: “Africa is a strategic target for UNIDROIT. It is a region full of dynamism and potential, where strong private law frameworks can make a difference and facilitate steady, sustainable economic growth. We can help, we can make a difference. We welcome with open arms a new batch of African jurists, whom we hope to turn into UNIDROIT ambassadors”.

Anna Veneziano, Deputy Secretary-General of UNIDROIT, expressed her enthusiasm in hosting the third edition of the International Programme for Law and Development dedicated to African judges: “We wish to express our gratitude for the continued support and interest of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Italian Cooperation, the Directorate for Development Cooperation and the Italian Agency for Development and Cooperation, which we hope will extend to future editions of this important programme.”

Marco Giungi, Plenipotentiary Minister and Head of Unit for Global Processes and International Organizations of the DGCS-MAECI, brought the greetings of the Deputy Minister Hon. Edmondo Cirielli, declaring: “Italy strongly supports all efforts towards unification of private law and is proud to host and support the International Programme for Law and Development, which has been running successfully for three years now.”

The Grand Opening concluded with an introductory seminar on the role of transnational law and unification. Over the next three weeks, participants will work with external legal experts and internal experts from UNIDROIT, engaging in discussions on the Institute’s legal instruments and an exchange of experiences aimed at fostering international cooperation on legal issues.

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